* Copyright (C) SPREAD WORKS Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Plugin\TabaCMS2\Repository;
use Plugin\TabaCMS2\Common\Constants;
use Plugin\TabaCMS2\Entity\Post;
use Eccube\Repository\AbstractRepository;
use Doctrine\Persistence\ManagerRegistry;
class PostRepository extends AbstractRepository
private $diff_time = "";
* @param ManagerRegistry $registry
* @param string $entityClass
public function __construct(ManagerRegistry $registry, $entityClass = Post::class)
parent::__construct($registry, $entityClass);
// datetime型はDB登録時に強制的にUTCに変更される。
// そのため、SQL発行時に、時間を指定する場合は
// ズレれている分を増減する必要がある。
if (($diff = date("P")) != "+00:00") {
$sign = (strstr($diff,"+") ? "-" : "+");
$diff = str_replace(array("+","-"),"",$diff);
$hour = (int) strstr($diff,":",true);
$minute = (int) substr(strrchr($diff,":"),1);
$this->diff_time = " " . $sign . $hour . " hour";
if ($minute) $this->diff_time .= " " . $sign . $minute . " minute";
* 投稿リストのQueryBuilderを生成します。
* @param integer $type_id
* 投稿タイプID
* @return mixed Doctrine\ORM\Query::getResult()
public function createListQueryBuilder($condition = null, $sort = null)
$qb_post = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder();
$qb_post->from(Constants::$ENTITY['POST'], 'p');
// 抽出条件
if (! empty($condition)) {
// 投稿タイプ
if (! empty($condition['type_id'])) {
$qb_post->andWhere('p.typeId = :type_id')->setParameter('type_id', $condition['type_id']);
// データキー
if (! empty($condition['data_key'])) {
$qb_post->andWhere('p.dataKey = :data_key')->setParameter('data_key', $condition['data_key']);
// 公開区分
if (isset($condition['public_div']) && ($condition['public_div'] || $condition['public_div'] === 0)) {
$qb_post->andWhere('p.publicDiv = :publicDiv')->setParameter('publicDiv', $condition['public_div']);
// 公開状態
if (!empty($condition['is_public']) && $condition['is_public']) {
if ($this->diff_time) {
$now_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',strtotime($this->diff_time));
} else {
$now_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$qb_post->andWhere('p.publicDiv = :publicDiv')->setParameter('publicDiv', Post::PUBLIC_DIV_PUBLIC);
$qb_post->andWhere('p.publicDate <= :publicDate')->setParameter('publicDate',$now_date);
// カテゴリー
if (isset($condition['category_id']) && !empty($condition['category_id'])) {
$qb_post->andWhere('p.categoryId = :category_id')->setParameter('category_id', $condition['category_id']);
// タグ
if (isset($condition['tag_id']) && !empty($condition['tag_id'])) {
if (is_array($condition['tag_id'])) {
$joinOn = 'p.postId = pt.postId';
// foreach ($condition['tag_id'] as $tag_id) {
// $joinOn .= ' AND pt.tagId = :tag_id_' . $tag_id;
// }
// foreach ($condition['tag_id'] as $tag_id) {
// $qb_post->setParameter('tag_id_' . $tag_id,$tag_id);
// }
// OR 検索
} else {
$qb_post->join(Constants::$ENTITY['POST_TAG'],'pt','WITH','p.postId = pt.postId AND pt.tagId = :tagId');
$qb_post->setParameter('tagId', $condition['tag_id']);
// キーワード
if (isset($condition['keyword']) && !empty($condition['keyword'])) {
$condition['keyword'] = preg_replace('/ {2,}/',' ',trim(preg_replace('/( | {2,})/',' ',$condition['keyword'])));
$keywords = explode(' ',$condition['keyword']);
$i = 0;
foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
$qb_post->andWhere('p.title LIKE :title'.$i.' OR p.body LIKE :body'.$i.'');
$qb_post->setParameter('title'.$i,'%' . $keyword . '%');
$qb_post->setParameter('body'.$i,'%' . $keyword . '%');
// ルーティング名が設定されているデータを抽出
if (! empty($condition['is_overwrite_route'])) {
$qb_post->andWhere('p.overwriteRoute IS NOT NULL');
// ソート
$qb_post->addOrderBy('p.priorityFlg', 'DESC');
if (! empty($sort) && ! empty($sort['key'])) {
if (! empty($sort['order'])) {
$qb_post->addOrderBy('p.' . $sort['key'], $sort['order']);
} else {
$qb_post->addOrderBy('p.' . $sort['key'], 'DESC');
} else {
$qb_post->addOrderBy('p.publicDate', 'DESC');
return $qb_post;
* 投稿リストデータを取得します。
* @param integer $type_id 投稿タイプID
* @return mixed Doctrine\ORM\Query::getResult()
public function getList($condition = null, $sort = null)
$qb_post = $this->createListQueryBuilder($condition, $sort);
$query_post = $qb_post->getQuery();
$res_post = $query_post->getResult();
return $res_post;
* @param string|array $data_key データキー|検索条件配列
public function get($data_key)
$list = null;
if (is_array($data_key)) {
if (($list = $this->getList($data_key)) && count($list) >= 1) {
return $list[0];
} else {
if (($list = $this->getList(array(
"data_key" => $data_key
))) && count($list) >= 1) {
return $list[0];
return null;
* 保存
* @param \Plugin\TabaCMS2\Entity\Post $entity
* @return boolean 成功した場合 true
public function save($entity)
$em = $this->getEntityManager();
try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
log_error('投稿登録エラー', array(
return false;
return true;
* 削除
* @param \Plugin\TabaCMS2\Entity\Post $entity
* @return boolean
public function delete($entity)
$em = $this->getEntityManager();
try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
log_error('投稿削除エラー', array(
return false;
return true;